How can I help?

I'm available to help you evaluate your team, benchmark your practice, choose your tech stack, improve your engineering processes, strategize, or review your code.

What I can help you with

How it works

For project work:

To start with we'll meet on a video call for an hour to discuss what you want to accomplish and go from there.

I will only take on work when I'm positive that we are a good fit. I have limited availability given my present role, so please reach out early.

For strategy calls and advisory:

If a project isn't a good fit for you right now, or you're still exploring options, perhaps a one-on-one strategy call would be helpful instead.

We'll address as many issues as possible with your business and come away with an actionable plan for what to do next. If you're interested in chatting, you can book an hour with me by reaching out below.

After the call I will write up a comprehensive summary of our talking points and your next steps.

How to get in touch with me

I work remotely from Nashville, TN in the central U.S. timezone.